Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Just for the halibut

Happy New Year!

So I have not felt like blogging about TV in some time. To tell you the truth the writers strike is just killing me! I know that the holidays bring 2 weeks of re-runs but come next week we are quickly running out of new tv! Crap I am going to have to read a book!!

Tonight my husband and I have been drinking bloody Marys and watching "Monster Catch" on the National Geographic channel!! What the hell!?!?! See writers... see what you are doing to me! Big fish?? 400 pound halibut??? Who gives a shit! Well it seems that I do... maybe it's just the bloody marys!

Now if by chance some tv writers happens upon this blog (yeah right) I do support your strike. However as a huge TV fan I need you to come back to work and soon! Cause as much as this fish show is interesting (don't forget I am drinking) I need new episodes of my shows! Hell I'd love a new Bionic Woman at this point!

So happy New Year to those few people who may happen upon this blog and know that my drunken prayers are for a quick end to this strike!

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